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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Resources / Developer & Web Development Tools / Twistpad 1.64 / Setup.exe / Twistpad.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMFILESMODIFIED / TFRMFILESMODIFIED.txt < prev   
Text File  |  2008-08-19  |  1KB  |  75 lines

  1. object FrmFilesModified: TFrmFilesModified
  2.   Left = 337
  3.   Top = 216
  4.   BorderStyle = bsDialog
  5.   Caption = 'Twistpad'
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  24.     AutoSize = False
  25.     Caption = 
  26.       'The following file(s) have been modified outside Twistpad. Do yo' +
  27.       'u want to reload them?'
  28.     WordWrap = True
  29.   end
  30.   object Image1: TImage
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  44.     Caption = 'Please note that any changes made to the documents will be lost.'
  45.   end
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  74. end